Lost of nginx ispconfig3 conf file

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by monnoliv, Apr 14, 2017.

  1. monnoliv

    monnoliv Member

    I've installed ispconfig with this tutorial: The Perfect Server - Debian 8.6 (nginx, BIND, Dovecot, ISPConfig 3.1)
    Everything was fine.
    Now I've reinstalled nginx since the app (Mastogon) required a recent nginx version (that supports http2).
    Unfortunately I didn't paid attention during nginx uninstall @ the conf files.
    Then my question is: may I recover this (these) files with the installer? I've already tried update.sh with service reconf but that didn't the job.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which nginx did you install? E.g. the ones from dotdeb are compatible with that setup, the packages from nginx.org are not compatible as they use different paths and users (user nginx instead f www-data) and not the system users from Debian.

    You can let the ispconfig updater rewrite config files. Just run an update, e.g. select git-stable as source, and chose to reconfigure services during update.
  3. monnoliv

    monnoliv Member

    I've installed the nginx version: nginx/1.10.3
    I've already do a "php -q update.sh"
    I've noticed that the /etc/nginx/sites-available/apps.vhost was modified but I still can't log into the dashboard.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    From where did you get that Nginx package? The version does not matter, it just matters if the package that you used is 100% compatible with the default package of the Linux distribution. And as I pointed out above, the packages from dotdeb are compatible, the ones from nginx.org not.
  5. monnoliv

    monnoliv Member

  6. monnoliv

    monnoliv Member

  7. monnoliv

    monnoliv Member

    I installed this version because the one used with ispconfig doen't have http2
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The packages you used are using a wrong Linux user (nginx) and not www-data, they won't work on an ISPConfig server or at least you will have to reconfigure them, which I haven't tried yet. As described in Post #2, you can get compatible packages with http2 support from dotdeb. So you simply used the wrong package source to get http2 support on your server, that's not a problem with ISPConfig.
  9. monnoliv

    monnoliv Member

    Ok thank you

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