Hallo I have tried EVERY THING!!! I followed the setup:http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_fedora_core_5_p4 but thought to provide a secure pass for my MYSQL SERVERand forgot that Linux uses special chrs (last did linux 7 years ago) so I messed it up. However only realised it when i tried to install ISPCongfig. I tried to follow the guid on resetting mysql from:http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.0/en/resetting-permissions.html but when I do step 4: mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init & It seems nothing happens... Ok some stuff do happen but I do not get my command prompt back!? I even tried uninstalling and re installing MYSQL but it seems to remember the SQL password. Please help!
More info O btw this is what my terminal show after the "mysqld_safe --init-file=~/mysql-init &" command: Starting mysqld daemon with databases from /var/lib/mysql STOPPING server from pid file /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.pid 060807 17:47:50 mysqld ended But then the terminal cursos just sit and blink on a blank line and nothing happens. Thanx
Hello, I am not sure which distro you are using, but the following should work: add 'skip-grant-tables' to the MySQL server's 'my.cnf' usually found at '/etc/my.cnf. Needs to go under the '[mysqld]' section. Similar to: Code: [mysqld] datadir=/var/lib/mysql socket=/var/lib/mysql/mysql.sock # Default to using old password format for compatibility with mysql 3.x # clients (those using the mysqlclient10 compatibility package). old_passwords=1 skip-grant-tables Then restart MySQL: Code: /etc/init.d/mysql restart You should then be able to login to mysql without a password: Code: linuxbox /]# mysql mysql> Now flush privileges (This clears privileges back to where they should be without 'skip-grant-tables') Code: mysql> FLUSH PRIVILEGES; Then reset the root user's password: Code: mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR 'root'@'localhost'=PASSWORD('password'); Where 'password' is the cleartext password you want to set for root@localhost Now remove 'skip-grant-tables' from '/etc/my.cnf' and you are all set.
Also have a look here: http://www.howtoforge.com/forums/showthread.php?t=5003&highlight=skip-grant-tables
Reinstallinf Fedora 5 Hallo all It was much quicker to reinstall the Fedora 5... I did it in 3 or so hours thanx in any case