Unable to read server configuration from database

Discussion in 'General' started by rusya_ok, Jul 27, 2017.

  1. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    Unable to read server configuration from database

    I connect to the base with the ispconfig login

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  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This means that the server configuration in the server table is damaged. This can happen e.g. when someone tried to edit it in PHPMyAdmin manually as the phpmyadmin inline edit mode removes newlines and breaks the ini format. Do you have a recent backup of the dbispconfig database that you can restore?
  3. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

  4. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    Maybe I can clean the base?
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Did you install a ISPConfig update recently? If yes, then there should be a backup of the database in /var/backup/......
  6. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    Thank you, I realized where I was wrong, I think it's worthwhile to provide for such cases the conclusion of an informative window with a message, because all system administrators like you understand like dancing with a tambourine and you can easily fix the database.
  7. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    In any case, thank you for the ISP !!! It is visible that it is made by people with seriousness approaching to the work
  8. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    And now you should ensure that you have regularly backups made :)
    ahrasis likes this.
  9. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    пфф... скачал Обновление Debian 9: выпуск 9.1, почта не активна :mad:
  10. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    Pff ... downloaded Debian Update 9: release 9.1, mail is not active:mad:
  11. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    Debian 9.0 does not work either:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:
  12. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    HELP !!! What can I do, I can not work
  13. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    I understood what was the problem, when installing "RoundCube" I changed the way to the place "Alias /roundcube /var/lib/roundcube" I wrote "Alias /mail /var/lib/roundcube", I did not touch the database this time.

    I have a question if I use "ISP" I can not change not one configuration file !!! ???:eek:
  14. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    I need to move the old directory "VMAIL" to a new server, can it hurt ISP ?
  15. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    If you add an email to the "Send outgoing BCC to" field, when sending a message to this address, two identical letters arrive

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  16. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Of course, you can change it, but using the name for a global alias that is used by other software as directory name makes no sense as you redirect request to the wrong application then. So there is no problem with Debian 9 and no problem with Debian 9.1 or ISPConfig at all, you simply did not follow the installation instructions and changed settings that you don't understand the consequences of.

    Maybe you defined it twice, e.g. once manually in postfix main.cf?
  17. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    No, I did not touch the configuration file
  18. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    мм.. все, разобрался, postfix restart помог, спасибо за помощь :);)
  19. rusya_ok

    rusya_ok New Member

    Mm .. everything, figured out, postfix restart helped, thanks for the help;):)

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