I'm using ISPC 3.1.6 latest stable, have a bunch of domains running on Ubuntu 16.04.2 (up to date) Recently I installed Letsencrypt on some domains without problems, but one is not willing to work as I please. I can't even check the SSL box on the domain main page. I enable it, save it, red circle appears on the top, but after red circle disappears it goes back to disabled state. I tried Delete Certificate on SSL submenu - there was no SSL cert installed however - can you point me, where can I find some log files, what is going on?
I think I've found one thing: 29.08.2017-10:10 - DEBUG - mkdir failed: /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/acme/.well-known/acme-challenge/ 29.08.2017-10:10 - WARNING - Could not verify domain XXX.hu, so excluding it from letsencrypt request. 29.08.2017-10:10 - WARNING - Could not verify domain www.XXX.hu, so excluding it from letsencrypt request. 29.08.2017-10:10 - WARNING - Let's Encrypt SSL Cert for: XXX.hu could not be issued. 29.08.2017-10:10 - WARNING -
sorry, found original thread https://www.howtoforge.com/communit...mission-denied-error-on-acme-challenge.74939/