A couple of requests

Discussion in 'Feature Requests' started by lerra, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. lerra

    lerra New Member

    First of all, love your great work:)
    Will donate some money when I get some and I will try to contribute in the forum too, there is some small things that could do ispconfig greater, here is some of them:

    *Backup, should be able to do it to a nother "path", why to the same dir? Would be great if it would be posseble to do a copy to a nother path (that could be a nother disk) or/and a ftp server (ssl transfer to protect the data).
    *Mysql should store the customer database to the customer dir so it should be included in the quota.
    *The new UebiMiau webmail with the imap support!
    *More security feature! Love the chrootSSH feature!
    *Tomcat or some other jsp engine that is easy to use with apache

    And again, love your work:)
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Regarding the Webmailthing, that's loose from ISPConfig so only the package needs to be updated...

    Regarding tomcat, that you can install your own, and use mod_jk as frontend. This can be configured with the httpd-lines for each web, so there is no need to do anything here?
  3. lerra

    lerra New Member

    Thats true, this is what I have done today but there is plenty of small things that needs to be fixed to make it work correctly and neat with ispconfig.
  4. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    Could you describe the "small things needed" more detailed? Then this work has not to be done twice ;)

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