Mac OSX client and Linux SAMBA share

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by GMSS, Sep 21, 2017.

  1. GMSS

    GMSS New Member

    Hi Guys,
    I've have a samba share on a Linux platform (CentOS) and I've got Mac OSX clients connecting to it.
    Here is a copy of my smb.conf file:
    workgroup = SAMBA
    unix charset = utf8
    security = user

    comment = FileServer
    path = /path/to/folder/Work
    guest ok = no
    valid users = user
    force user = user
    writeable = yes
    browsable = yes
    inherit permissions = yes
    inherit acls = yes
    vfs objects = streams_xattr
    wide links = no
    follow symlinks = yes

    When the Mac client tries to create an alias of a file in the Linux smb share, the alias it creates doesn't open, in fact it says it is a Unix Executable file instead. When I try to open it, it opens up in a terminal window. This happens to all file types i.e. .png, .pdf, .jpg....etc when creating an alias within the smb share from the Mac OSX client.

    If I create a shortcut (alias on Mac) of a file in the smb share using Windows, this works fine.

    Is there a directive I'm missing in the smb.conf file to enable the Mac OS alias to function as how it should?

    Kind Regards
    Manfred, markilus and Tereza like this.
  2. GMSS

    GMSS New Member

    Hi Guys,
    I've now managed to solve my own problem and thought that I'll post my solution here to help anyone else who is experiencing the same as me. In essence after much research, it turn out that in order to get it to work with Mac OSX client you need to add these 2 lines in your smb.conf file (/etc/samba/smb.conf):
    ea support = yes
    vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr

    So now my smb.conf file looks like this:
    workgroup = SAMBA
    unix charset = utf8
    security = user

    comment = FileServer
    path = /path/to/folder/Work
    guest ok = no
    valid users = user
    force user = user
    writeable = yes
    browsable = yes
    inherit permissions = yes
    inherit acls = yes
    ea support = yes
    vfs objects = catia fruit streams_xattr

    wide links = no
    follow symlinks = yes

    Hope it helps someone who are/were experiencing the same problem as me.

    Please also take a look at these references I used:
    Unfortunately I'm unable to post link to my references as I'm a newbie to this site. But if you like this and if this article solves you problem, please like it and that would allow me to post my reference links to this problem.

    Kind Regards
  3. Tereza

    Tereza New Member

    This is fantastic! Sorted out my problem completely - thanks GMSS really appreciated, you a life saver - Solved
  4. markilus

    markilus New Member

    Wow, this is cool. I've been messing about with this for weeks with no fix, I had heard about (and used) VFS Fruit but didn't know how to append the extended attributes etc. etc. How cool is this? No need for our old Mac server anymore or to waste time with Windows which was incredibly slow at listing files and folders and frankly cronky. Brill job - Thanks
  5. Manfred

    Manfred New Member

    GMSS - my boss is going ot be so pleased that I've fixed this issue, we were having nightmares with our CENTOS Linux servers and the Macs in our Organisation, whenever anyone created an alias to a file or folder they'd just open in Terminal, then I read your article and I can't believe how quickly I was able to sort this! You're a Genius GMSS. I've always hated Windows servers but was starting to lose credibility with my Boss because of these problems I couldn't sort on Linux - you've probably saved my job! Fantastic :)
  6. GMSS

    GMSS New Member

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