URGENT Web_ problem

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by itgroup, Jun 5, 2006.

  1. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    I have a massive problem, that I hope someone can give me a quick fix for.

    I have created 45 domains, they all work just fine. I have also created hundreds of email users for these various domains - they all receive mail just fine. Here is my problem.

    When any user from any domain tries to check their email, they receive 'invalid username or password' from their email client.

    I have spent all day trying to find out what is going on, THEN it occured to me: my clients ALL have their email program setup to check email in the form of:

    [email protected] and then their password

    NOW, i find this does not work BECAUSE the ISPConfig program (through Dovecot) needs web33_steve to logon with

    Doing some more research, I found a few threads that show how to change ISPConfig so that this does not happen any more, but... my problem is how to CHANGE all the EXISTING users I have created. I have hundreds of users that cannot log in and there is just no way I am going to have to ring them all and tell them to change their usernames!!!

    I have roundcubemail installed and they can logon there (using [email protected]) just fine. It is just Pop3 110 mail.

    I see Dovecot uses /etc/passwd for it's security, so I have tried going in to this file and changing web33_steve to [email protected] - but this does not fix it. Surely, I can do something like this, or 'point' dovecot to another area?

    I also checked the /etc/postfix/virtualusers file and all the addresses are in there ([email protected], web33_steve, [email protected] etc, etc).

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is no solution for your problem because linux does not allow the "@" sign in usernames. Thats why ISPConfig does not allow you to enter @ seign in the username field too.

    ISPConfig uses linux system users for the email accounts.
  3. itgroup

    itgroup New Member


    Thanks Till for the reply. Well, that is sad. Given that I am using Dovecot for POP, is there any other way I can 'point' the password file to something that allows @ usernames?

    Or, can I modify the '/etc/passwd' file somehow?

    Is there anything at all I can do about this - I don't care if it is a very long solution (change things by hand), but the thought of having to call all my customers is very daunting.

    How come I can use roundcube mail with [email protected] ok?

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's no solution.

    Because RoundCube does a lookup in the ISPConfig database to map the email address to the real username. Obviously, email clients such as Outlook and Thunderbird don't do a lookup in the ISPConfig database.
  5. itgroup

    itgroup New Member

    feature request

    Ok, I know when I am beaten :( Hope Australia does better in the World Cup !

    Anyhow, Please put this in for a FEATURE REQUEST in a future edition of ISPConfig. I sure would have saved me some embarrassment!
    Thanks for your answers.

  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You misunderstand us. This is nothing which can be implemented in current versions of ISPConfig because ISPConfig uses system users, not virtual users.

    ISPConfig v3 will use virtual users which is a totally different concept. You will then be able to use email addresses as user names.
  7. immobilia

    immobilia New Member

    Date for ISPConfig v3 ?

    I'have try the very good ISPConfig 2.2.3 (22.05.2006), and in one file, i agree to see :
    So i ask : It's a date planned for first realease of ISPConfig v3 ?
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, not yet...
  9. blicod

    blicod New Member

    ISPConfig v.3 update

    I´m going to set up my 5th server with ISPConfig next week. I see all this talk about v.3 allover, and the virtual user-system.

    Will it be possible to update to v.3 from a previous version of ISPConfig and keep all (most) data?
    ...Or do I have to wipe the whole system information user-info, mail, dns, site... to use ISPConfig v.3?

    I don´t know who you are or what you do FALKO... BUT I know you are the most appreciated person on the web.

    Thanks /blicod
  10. blicod

    blicod New Member

    BTW... RoundCube Webmail 0.1-Beta2 released

    RoundCube Webmail 0.1-Beta2 released 2006-08-06 10:55

    Do we see a .pkg on this? :)
  11. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    We try to do it that way, but it's still a long way to go, so I wouldn't worry about it now.

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