FTP not working

Discussion in 'General' started by mimic, Aug 9, 2006.

  1. mimic

    mimic New Member

    I have setup ISPConfig on Fedora 5 x64. Everything is working great, and FTP is kinda working but not really.

    WebFTP works fine. I can login and view files, etc. However when I try to use and FTP client like CuteFTP to connect, I get an error saying the server did not understand the command.

    STATUS:>  	Getting listing ""...
    STATUS:>  	Resolving host name map-depot.com...
    STATUS:>  	Host name map-depot.com resolved: ip =
    STATUS:>  	Connecting to FTP server map-depot.com:21 (ip =
    STATUS:>  	Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
    		220 FTP Server ready.
    STATUS:>  	Connected. Authenticating...
    COMMAND:>	USER web1_admin
    		331 Password required for web1_admin.
    COMMAND:>	PASS *****
    		230 User web1_admin logged in.
    STATUS:>  	Login successful.
    		257 "/" is current directory.
    STATUS:>  	Home directory: /
    		211 End
    STATUS:>  	This site supports features.
    STATUS:>  	This site supports SIZE.
    STATUS:>  	This site can resume broken downloads.
    		350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
    		227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,1,4,204,112).
    STATUS:>  	Substituting received PASV address to server address
    STATUS:>  	Connecting FTP data socket
    ERROR:>   	The connection failed due to an error or timeout.
    		1) Verify that the destination IP address is correct.
    		2) Increase the connection timeout threshold under Global Settings | Connection.
    		3) Switch to the opposite data connection type (PASV or PORT) under Site Settings | Type tab.
    		4) Verify that the problem is not local by trying to connect to an alternate server.
    		5) If a server name was used, verify it resolves to the correct address.
    		6) If using a local server table for server name resolution, check to see that it doesn't resolve to an obsolete address.
    		7) Try pinging the address.
    		8) If you are using a router, verify the router is up and running (check by pinging it and then ping an address outside of the router).
    		9) Do a traceroute to the destination to verify all routers along the connection path are operational.
    		10) Verify that your subnet mask is setup properly.
    		11) Verify that your local software or hardware firewall is not blocking outbound connections originating from CuteFTP.
    		12) Verify that your anti-virus software is not at fault (try disabling it).
    ERROR:>   	PASV failed, trying PORT.
    STATUS:>  	Waiting 0 seconds...
    STATUS:>  	Getting listing "/"...
    STATUS:>  	Resolving host name map-depot.com...
    STATUS:>  	Host name map-depot.com resolved: ip =
    STATUS:>  	Connecting to FTP server map-depot.com:21 (ip =
    STATUS:>  	Socket connected. Waiting for welcome message...
    		220 FTP Server ready.
    STATUS:>  	Connected. Authenticating...
    COMMAND:>	USER web1_admin
    		331 Password required for web1_admin.
    COMMAND:>	PASS *****
    		230 User web1_admin logged in.
    STATUS:>  	Login successful.
    		257 "/" is current directory.
    STATUS:>  	Home directory: /
    STATUS:>  	This site supports features.
    STATUS:>  	This site supports SIZE.
    STATUS:>  	This site can resume broken downloads.
    		350 Restarting at 0. Send STORE or RETRIEVE to initiate transfer
    COMMAND:>	PORT 192,168,1,2,9,224
    		500 Illegal PORT command
    ERROR:>   	Syntax error, command unrecognized.
    ERROR:>   	Failed to establish data socket.
    Any help would be appreciated.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you try both active and passive transfers in CuteFTP?
    Is SELinux disabled on your Fedora system?
  3. mimic

    mimic New Member

    I found the problem. SELinux was off, as was the Fedora firewall, but the ISPConfig firewall was blocking the PASV ports. I opened up ports 60000 to 60005 and it worked.
  4. main3

    main3 New Member

    FTP working with IP but not with Domain

    Would this be the same trouble and would it be TCP or UDP that I would need to open.
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It'S TCP. But check the DNS records for your domain first with dig and make sure they point to the correct IP address.

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