UFW inactive after restart

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by durchd8.de, Nov 17, 2017.

  1. durchd8.de

    durchd8.de Member

    CentOS Linux release 7.4.1708
    ISPConfig Version: 3.1.8p1

    Recently I reconfigured from Bastille to UFW. Overall all works fine with UFW, except... upon reboot UFW is inactive. Once I turn firewall off in ispconfig and then back on, all is ok and working fine. Including the correct firewall ruleset.

    Except on reboot ufw is inactive again. Setting up ufw in system V startup makes no sense either since the rules are missing to configure it.

    What am I missing ;( ?
  2. durchd8.de

    durchd8.de Member

    And as it happened right now: sometimes the rules show up just fine in IPTables in Monitoring and sometimes the rules dont show up at all, even though they are active... (tested)
  3. durchd8.de

    durchd8.de Member

    Maybe to rephrase the issue:
    - I cant get UFW to startup with the rules from ispconfig on CentOS
    - ofc I can start UFW on startup but that only makes sense with UFW-rules from ispconfig

    How do I start UFW on reboot with the rules from ispconfig?
  4. durchd8.de

    durchd8.de Member

    Update to 3.1.9 fixed it.

    Thx for the help ;)
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The update did not contain anything related to ufw :)
  6. durchd8.de

    durchd8.de Member

    As stated above:
    - UFW didnt start up upon reboot with ispconfig rules.
    - When I switched from Bastille to UFW, I also updated ispconfig to ensure the update utility config is applied
    To no avail.

    Today i updated to 3.1.9 with ispconfig_update and UFW starts up just fine with ispconfig-rules.

    The only major change I did in that time: yum update

    So either something changed in 3.1.9 or there was some incompatibility with older packages or both.

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