ISPConfig DNS/IP problem

Discussion in 'General' started by radof, Aug 18, 2006.

  1. radof

    radof New Member


    First off, i would like to thank Falko for the excellent guides and ISPConfig.

    My installation of ISPConfig went fine, however I am a little confused in creating a New Site.

    From the ISP Manager I try to create a site, but I dont know what IP to give in the "IP Address" (eth0 = OR External one ?) and whether or not to check "DNS" and "DNS-MX".

    And what should be there for Co-Domains ? Can I leave the Hostname blank to have a working

    I did a few tests and when i try to open "" it waits for too long and then timesout. Sometimes It connected well but the webpage it returned was wrong "ISPConfig default page". So i thought i am confused with IP addresses and maybe some problem with Virtual Hosting.

    Any help will be appreciated, Thanks.

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    If you are in a NAT enviroment (behind a router) you must use the internal IP address when you create awebsite. Do not check the create DNS and create DNS-MX checkboxes.

    If you want to use your ISPConfig server as primary nameserver for your domains, you must add primary DNS records for your domains in the DNS-Manager part, using your external IP address.

    ISPConfig adds a co-domain automatically, when you create a website
  3. radof

    radof New Member

    DNS/IP, opening site takes time.

    Till, Thanks for replying.

    I did what you suggested, Added my IP with no DNS, DNS-MX checked, and but now when I try to open mysite, it opens after a long while ? is there any reason for this and what would you suggest ?

    Thanks very much.
  4. radof

    radof New Member


    Sometimes it even times out, after a long wait.

  5. radof

    radof New Member

    PHPMyadmin - Access

    Another problem, I am having is about database access.

    I created a user and checked him as "Administrator", but when I go to Tools->PhpmyAdmin, I saw that he can actually see all the databases, even ispconfigdb, He should not be able to see all databases, but only those which he has created, How can i restrict him ?

    Thanks very much again.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please check your router settings and your DNS records.

    The users you create under "User & Email" are only for email and FTP access, and I doubt that you could log in to phpMyAdmin with such a user.
    When you create a database on the Options tab, you see a database username there and specify a password. With this username and password you can log in to phpMyAdmin, and you'll see only that user's database (and the test database, if it exists).
  7. radof

    radof New Member

    DNS/IP, opening site takes time.

    Falko, Thanks for your reply, my Database,phpmyadmin settings are now fine.

    Still I cannot open my site, it takes too long and sometimes it opens after a long delay, and sometimes it timesout. As far as DNS records are concerned I dont have any, I am behind a router and i have DNS, DNS-MX checked off.

    Can you please tell me what should I check with router settings or ISPConfig settings?

    Kind of confused :)

    Thanks very much.
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please make sure your router forwards all needed ports to your ISPConfig server (e.g. 21, 22, 25, 80, 81, 110, 143, 443).
    Then check your DNS records with the dig command, e.g.
    The DNS records should point to your router's public IP address.
  9. radof

    radof New Member

    Dig Result, DNS/IP

    Hi Falko,

    Here's result from dig command:

    ;; global options: printcmd
    ;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached.

    Any clues now please ? :confused:

  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you post your real domain here?
    What's in /etc/resolv.conf?
  11. radof

    radof New Member


    #cat /etc/resolv.conf

    My domain is

    ISPConfig Site :
    IP Host Domain www

    Opening says:
    Firefox can't find the server at

    After i reinstalled ISPConfig..

    Thanks for your help Falko.

  12. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your /etc/resolv.conf does not conatin a nameserver, so your server is not able to resolve domains.

    You need at least one line:


    Where you must replace with a valid nameserver IP that you got from your internet access provider.
  13. radof

    radof New Member


    Thanks Till for the fast reply :)

    Can i have this server act as a nameserver, If yes, what would be the settings for that ? and what would I specify in the /etc/resolv.conf ? The IP's I mean.

    Thanks very much.
  14. radof

    radof New Member


    Hi Falko, Till,

    My nameservers are and points to the server public IP.

    Does that mean i need to have my server act as a nameserver ? If yes how do i do the settings , Thanks for your help.

  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Put this into /etc/resolv.conf:

    these are three name servers that I know work.

    Have a look here:
  16. radof

    radof New Member


    Falko, Till,

    Thanks very much for your great support and help..

    ISPConfig is going well now :)

    Kindest Regards.

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