Installed apache mpm_worker, mod_fcgid, php73 and ispconfig 3 successfully. Everything seems to be working but phpmyadmin which displays a blank page though the error below was logged: "GET /phpmyadmin/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - I appreciate any help to resolve this issue. Thank you.
You installed php73 as default version? I doubt that the phpmyadmin package from Debian is compatible with that. Do not change the default PHP version of the OS, when you want to use newer or older PHP versions, then install them as additional PHP versions but leave the default version as it is.
Thank you so much Till. You don't think it has anything to do with the mpm_worker, mod_alias and mod_fcgid configuration! The phpmyadmin conf file only contains an alias and directory section.
Take a look at the apache error.log to find out why phpmyadmin fails. I guess the phpmyadmin config that comes with Debian is for mod_php and mpm_prefork, so it might be that you have to change the config as well.
Hello Till: I appreciate your time. The apache error.log shows a 500 error as below: "GET /phpmyadmin/ HTTP/1.1" 500 - Thank you again.
That's the full error? Strange. If you altered the default php version, then I would go back to the original php version as first debug step as the main version should not be altered anyway.
Sure Till. I'll continue to debug it and keep you posted. Of course you realize the install is on Freebsd 11. Thank you a million.