Hello, I read quite a few posts on this forum trying to figure out my exact issue but so far I did not find a solution, even after trying some suggestions in other threads. What do I want to achieve? Redirect traffic to https for the only website configured. What is the issue? Typing the domain name in a browser with the "http://" prefix directs my request to the default apache welcome page. Typing "https://" instead works. What's the server? Distributor ID: Ubuntu Description: Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS Release: 18.04 Codename: bionic All the packages are up to date, I also did reboot several times during the troubleshooting process. I am using ISPConfig version 3.1.13. What did you try? -Site config->Domain tab: Checking "SSL" and "Let's Encrypt SSL" -Site config->Redirect tab: Redirect Type to "R=301,L", Redirect Path to nothing, SEO Redirect to "*=> domain.tld" -Site config->SSL tab: Left as-is since Let's Encrypt does its thing -Site config->Options tab: I tried several Apache Directives but none of them worked -Adding some directives to the .htaccess file of my website I am a little bit lost on what else to try, ispconfig's logs do not contain anything interesting except some warnings about the use of deprecated php functions. I have also attached the htf_report.txt file as suggested in the readme at the top of this forum. The ifconfig error in there seems strange because using the command manually returns the right ip address. If you have any suggestion on what to try/check next, I would be more than happy to do so. Thanks!
Website settings has http to https in redirect tab. Turn that on and remove other redirects. You do not say what is in the website. If it is some CMS, it may do redirect or have wrong site url preventing the http url from working. Test by moving index.* somewhere else and put simple index.html to website root.
Ok, I have removed the other redirects in the "Redirect" tab, leaving only "Rewrite Http to Https" activated. The website is a wordpress, I can try and do some tests by moving things around. EDIT: I have moved everything to a sub-folder, added a simple "index.hml" at the root (/var/www/clients/client1/web1/web) with only a "Hello World" header. The http url still redirects me to the default apache landing page. Explicitly adding https works though, just like before.
The IP address field for the website is currently set to "*", which should be "all" IP's, right? The other option is the server's IP address.
You can use "*" or the IP-address, but all websites must be the same. If some websites have "*" and some have the IP-address, you get problems with wrong website being displayed.
Recent discussion with similar problem: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/wrong-site-for-given-url.79058/