Hello guys. my disk config (SDA- 750 GB HDD, SDB- 128 GB SSD): NAME MAJ:MIN RM SIZE RO TYPE MOUNTPOINT sda 8:0 0 698.7G 0 disk └─sda1 8:1 0 698.7G 0 part /backup sdb 8:16 0 111.8G 0 disk ├─sdb1 8:17 0 487M 0 part /boot ├─sdb2 8:18 0 1K 0 part └─sdb5 8:21 0 111.3G 0 part ├─server--vg-root 252:0 0 110.3G 0 lvm / └─server--vg-swap_1 252:1 0 976M 0 lvm [SWAP] I added line to fstab: /dev/sda1 /backup ext3 defaults 0 2 Now all backups goes to bigger HDD every night. One website have webdav user, he needs more space than i could give to him from standart location (SDB). for example, webdav user location: /var/www/clients/client0/web8/webdav/username. How could i do /usernsme redirect to /dev/sda1/username ? Thanks.
I'm using ISPconfig 3.1 on Ubuntu, with apache. so my steps probably would be: 1. service apache2 stop 2. mv /var/www/clients/client0/web8/webdav /backup 3. add line to fstab: /backup/webdav /var/www/clients/client0/web8/webdav none bind,nobootwait,_netdev 0 0 4. mount -a 5. service apache2 start i'm right?
You skipped a step. After you move web8/webdav to /backup, there is no more webdav directory under web8. So you have to create it with suitable owner and permissoon to use as mount point. Otherwise your plan looks good.
Seems it works. Now another problem. Every night server saving backups. For every site backup contains cgi-bin, private, tmp, web, webdav folders. How could i disable to backing up Webdav folders? This folder for one site (web8) is about 250gb..
How are you making the backups? Usually backup software has ways to include and exclude files or directories.
I’m using ispconfig backup. There i can exclude folders, but only within /web directory. For example /web/wp-admin.
Still unsolved question, how i could exclude /webdav from back ups. Because user uses this service and there now about 300gb of data.