Slave resync dns

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by Robert Heessels, Jan 29, 2019.

  1. Robert Heessels

    Robert Heessels New Member

    I have a master-slave setup.
    On the master something went terribly wrong and several (and the most important) dns soa records disappeared while running the migration tool. I had to restore a backup of the dbispconfig database on the master and resync the dns via the Sync Tools in the control panel.
    In the meantime I disabled the corns on the slave.
    After the resync of the dns on the master, the database size doubled. Is that a problem?
    Then I used the same database backup (from before all troubles) to overwrite both the dbispconfig and dbispconfig2 databases on the slave.
    Then I ran /usr/local/ispconfig/server/ and /usr/local/ispconfig/server/ manually on the slave. No errors.
    Now each time I run /usr/local/ispconfig/server/ on the slave it takes several minutes.
    And some dns records are missing in the bind9 server on the slave.
    Any idea why?
    How can I resync the bind9 server on the slave.
    Thanx for any help!
  2. Robert Heessels

    Robert Heessels New Member

    It seems that the more I run /usr/local/ispconfig/server/ on the slave manually, the more dns records are restored on the bind9 server.
    I guess only does a part of whatever actions are needed before stopping, so I guess I just keep running it till it no longer take minutes?
  3. Robert Heessels

    Robert Heessels New Member

    After running for about 10 times, it finished within a second once more.
    It's hard for me to see if now all dns records in bind9 are fine on the slave.
    Is there any command line action that I can take on the slave, to force it to resync all dns records to bind9?
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Use Tools > resync function in ISPConfig UI.
  5. Robert Heessels

    Robert Heessels New Member

    In the dropdown there, I can only select the master server. But I want to sync the dns of the slave server.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The slave is automatically resynced with the server that it is the mirror of. So you have to choose the master as server to be resynced.

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