I know there are a ton of threads like this one i am about to make but i cant find the answer in any of them. i have also tried google without result though i thought i had the answer when i found this https://www.howtoforge.com/postfix_relaying_through_another_mailserver well my problem is that my ISP blocked port 25 i have to use my ISP's SMTP mailout.foretag.bahnhof.se port 465, ssl with valid username and password i just cant find where i have to write these informations i tried in the GUI i tried in postfix file and i tried following the link above i have done it in the past but that is like 5 years ago so i dont remember how to also the GUI dont look the same like on my old server please anyone give me a hint \\BlueScreenTT
Never mind the error was the ISP said 465 but i had to use 587 so it looks like this in Serverconfig / mail mailout.foretag.bahnhof.se:587 Stupid