ispconfig 3 apache 500 error on new build

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by alex hazlewood, May 9, 2019.

  1. alex hazlewood

    alex hazlewood New Member


    just recently built a new Ubuntu Apache ispconfig box. we have transferred a wordpress site to it and all is working apart from two things:

    image uploads bring up a http error, the image is uploaded but no thumbnails are created and clicking on the permalink option in settings brings up a 500 error.
    both problems produce an error in the error.log of
    [fcgid:warn] [pid 2973] (104)Connection reset by peer: mod_fcgid: error reading data from FastCGI server, referer: http://site-address/wp-admin/
    [Thu May 09 14:32:56.879820 2019] [core:error] [pid 2973] End of script output before headers: options-permalink.php, referer: http://site-address/wp-admin/
    or similar for the image upload.

    i have change the site from fast-cgi to mod-fpm, same issue.

    i have checked the permissions and all good on the site. i have also moved the site to a different server and it is working with same setting [another ispconfig server] so i know the site is good.
    the page does work on mod-php but then image upload does not work [that is permissions]
    i guess it is something i may have missed during the install but i am blank out of idea's

    creating a phpinfo() page also creates the same error's as above

    any help would be great.
  2. Taleman

    Taleman Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Check you have installed all the necessary PHP modules the Perfect Server Guide tells to install. For example by cut and paste the apt-get install commands and see if installs something that was not previously installed.
    Was the Ubuntu host where ISPConfig was installed empty? If you were running that Ubuntu previously or had something installed there prior to ISPConfig, it may cause ISPConfig to fail because some setting is not at expected value.
  3. alex hazlewood

    alex hazlewood New Member

    thanks for that, i went through the perfect setup again, and re-ran all the setup [installs and configuration up to the ispconfig install] and all came back as installed. i guess it is an additional mod i have installed for php after the install that is causing the issue,
    server was a clean install fresh out the box.
    i am off to find ways of listing and disabling php mods to test
  4. alex hazlewood

    alex hazlewood New Member

    i suspect one of the packages has deployed funny, i have instead built a new box and killed this one. so working now
    till likes this.

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