I guess there are three possible sources for the problem then: a) You used a non mysl-root user for ispconfig installation so the installer had insufficient privileges. b) The database was removed by accident and the mysql users were altered at the time you configured the mysql cluster. c) You use an unsupported MySQL version. You xcan use any MySQL or MariaDB version except of MySQL 8 as MySQL 8 is not fully compatible with older MySQL versions.
The cluster installation created a new user, but it hasn't access to the dbispconfig db. All I have to do is to grant privileges to the ispconfig user? Which ones?
No, this will not work as ISPConfig is not fully installed due to missing database access. You must have a mysql root user which has full access to mysql incl. grant privelige and then use this root user when you install ispconfig so that the ispconfig installer can create the database, the tables and the database users and load the installation specific data into the database. The i9nstallation of ispconfig on the first server will create a user 'ispconfig' which has full access to the local dbispconfig1 database. The installation of the second node will craete another user 'ispconfig' on the second node with access to the local 'dbispconfig2' database and it will create a user ispcsrv1 on the first node which has limited access to the dbispconfig database on the first node as it is used to pull data to the slave database, so this ispcsrv1 user shall not have full access, it has just access to some tables and fields, you can see that in the sub tables of the mysql.mysql database.
ok. Done. I understood what happened. During the cluster installation I gave the slave db the name ispconfig-slave. The "-" messed things up in the mysql database db table. Now things work. I have to finish the cluster installation... maybe I'll open othe tickets. :-D Thank you.
Hi, we have a new problem: when we make changes via GUI these update the main database (dbispconfig), but not the slave one (dbispconfig2) and the red button with unapplied changes stays on. The cluster replication works fine. Any suggestion? Thanks, A.
I suggest these articles: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/please-read-before-posting.58408/ https://www.faqforge.com/linux/debugging-ispconfig-3-server-actions-in-case-of-a-failure/