Hi, I have the server running with Ispcong 3 with Debian 9 My emails stopped and I could see the WARNING under Monitor Web-Server: Online FTP-Server: Online SMTP-Server: Online POP3-Server: Offline IMAP-Server: Offline DNS-Server: Online mySQL-Server: Online After a search on the forum, I ran the following https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/please-read-before-posting.58408/ root@server:~# cat htf_report.txt | more ##### SERVER ##### IP-address (as per hostname): ***.***.***.*** [WARN] could not determine server's ip address by ifconfig [INFO] ISPConfig is installed. ##### ISPCONFIG ##### ISPConfig version is 3.1.14p2 ##### VERSION CHECK ##### [INFO] php (cli) version is 7.0.33-0+deb9u3 ##### PORT CHECK ##### [WARN] Port 143 (IMAP server) seems NOT to be listening [WARN] Port 993 (IMAP server SSL) seems NOT to be listening [WARN] Port 110 (POP3 server) seems NOT to be listening [WARN] Port 995 (POP3 server SSL) seems NOT to be listening [WARN] Port 21 (FTP server) seems NOT to be listening ##### MAIL SERVER CHECK ##### ##### RUNNING SERVER PROCESSES ##### [INFO] I found the following web server(s): Apache 2 (PID 1091) [INFO] I found the following mail server(s): Postfix (PID 4095) [WARN] I could not determine which pop3 server is running. [WARN] I could not determine which imap server is running. [WARN] I could not determine which ftp server is running. ##### LISTENING PORTS ##### (only () Local (Address) [localhost]:10024 (1384/amavisd-new) [localhost]:10025 (4095/master) [localhost]:10026 (1384/amavisd-new) [localhost]:10027 (4095/master) [anywhere]:587 (4095/master) [localhost]:11211 (795/memcached) [anywhere]:8080 (1091/apache2) [anywhere]:80 (1091/apache2) [anywhere]:465 (4095/master) [anywhere]:8081 (1091/apache2) ***.***.***.***:53 (812/named) [localhost]:53 (812/named) [anywhere]:22 (831/sshd) [anywhere]:25 (4095/master) [localhost]:953 (812/named) [anywhere]:443 (1091/apache2) *:*:*:*::*:3306 (963/mysqld) *:*:*:*::*:587 (4095/master) *:*:*:*::*:465 (4095/master) *:*:*:*::*:53 (812/named) *:*:*:*::*:22 (831/sshd) *:*:*:*::*:25 (4095/master) ##### IPTABLES ##### Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination f2b-postfix-sasl tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 25 f2b-dovecot tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 110,995,143,9 93,587,465,4190 f2b-pure-ftpd tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 21 f2b-sshd tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 22 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain f2b-dovecot (1 references) target prot opt source destination RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 Chain f2b-postfix-sasl (1 references) target prot opt source destination RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 Chain f2b-pure-ftpd (1 references) target prot opt source destination RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 Chain f2b-sshd (1 references) target prot opt source destination REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreach able RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 My Master.cf under /etc/postfix/master.cf is as under; #submission inet n - y - - smtpd submission inet n - - - - smtpd -o syslog_name=postfix/submission -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject # -o syslog_name=postfix/submission # -o smtpd_tls_security_level=encrypt # -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes # -o smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient=no # -o smtpd_client_restrictions=$mua_client_restrictions # -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=$mua_helo_restrictions # -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=$mua_sender_restrictions # -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions= # -o smtpd_relay_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject # -o milter_macro_daemon_name=ORIGINATING #smtps inet n - y - - smtpd smtps inet n - - - - smtpd -o syslog_name=postfix/smtps -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_sasl_authenticated,reject # -o syslog_name=postfix/smtps # -o smtpd_tls_wrappermode=yes # -o smtpd_sasl_auth_enable=yes # -o smtpd_reject_unlisted_recipient=no # -o smtpd_client_restrictions=$mua_client_restrictions # -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=$mua_helo_restrictions # -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=$mua_sender_restrictions # -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions= Please help to fix these offline services B/R
Hi, I have run the following commands & server Warnings are gone The commands I ran was; root@server:# /etc/init.d/dovecot restart [ ok ] Restarting dovecot (via systemctl): dovecot.service. root@server:# /etc/init.d/postfix restart [ ok ] Restarting postfix (via systemctl): postfix.service. Thanks
Sir, Thank you for much for your quick reply Here is the output root@server:~# service dovecot start Job for dovecot.socket failed. See "systemctl status dovecot.socket" and "journalctl -xe" for details. root@server:~# service pure-ftpd-mysql start root@server:~# And Server Output as per script is as under; root@server:~# cat htf_report.txt | more ##### SERVER ##### IP-address (as per hostname): ***.***.***.*** [WARN] could not determine server's ip address by ifconfig [INFO] ISPConfig is installed. ##### ISPCONFIG ##### ISPConfig version is 3.1.14p2 ##### VERSION CHECK ##### [INFO] php (cli) version is 7.0.33-0+deb9u3 ##### PORT CHECK ##### ##### MAIL SERVER CHECK ##### ##### RUNNING SERVER PROCESSES ##### [INFO] I found the following web server(s): Apache 2 (PID 11508) [INFO] I found the following mail server(s): Postfix (PID 11236) [INFO] I found the following pop3 server(s): Dovecot (PID 9331) [INFO] I found the following imap server(s): Dovecot (PID 9331) [INFO] I found the following ftp server(s): PureFTP (PID 11427) ##### LISTENING PORTS ##### (only () Local (Address) [anywhere]:995 (9331/dovecot) [localhost]:10024 (1384/amavisd-new) [localhost]:10025 (11236/master) [localhost]:10026 (1384/amavisd-new) [localhost]:10027 (11236/master) [anywhere]:587 (11236/master) [localhost]:11211 (795/memcached) [anywhere]:110 (9331/dovecot) [anywhere]:143 (9331/dovecot) [anywhere]:8080 (11508/apache2) [anywhere]:80 (11508/apache2) [anywhere]:8081 (11508/apache2) [anywhere]:465 (11236/master) [anywhere]:21 (11427/pure-ftpd) ***.***.***.***:53 (812/named) [localhost]:53 (812/named) [anywhere]:22 (831/sshd) [anywhere]:25 (11236/master) [localhost]:953 (812/named) [anywhere]:443 (11508/apache2) [anywhere]:993 (9331/dovecot) *:*:*:*::*:995 (9331/dovecot) *:*:*:*::*:3306 (11355/mysqld) *:*:*:*::*:587 (11236/master) [localhost]10 (9331/dovecot) [localhost]43 (9331/dovecot) *:*:*:*::*:465 (11236/master) *:*:*:*::*:21 (11427/pure-ftpd) *:*:*:*::*:53 (812/named) *:*:*:*::*:22 (831/sshd) *:*:*:*::*:25 (11236/master) *:*:*:*::*:993 (9331/dovecot) ##### IPTABLES ##### Chain INPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination f2b-postfix-sasl tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 25 f2b-dovecot tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 110,995,143,9 93,587,465,4190 f2b-pure-ftpd tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 21 f2b-sshd tcp -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 multiport dports 22 Chain FORWARD (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain OUTPUT (policy ACCEPT) target prot opt source destination Chain f2b-dovecot (1 references) target prot opt source destination RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 Chain f2b-postfix-sasl (1 references) target prot opt source destination REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachab le REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachabl e RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 Chain f2b-pure-ftpd (1 references) target prot opt source destination RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 Chain f2b-sshd (1 references) target prot opt source destination REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreachable REJECT all -- ***.***.***.*** [anywhere]/0 reject-with icmp-port-unreach able RETURN all -- [anywhere]/0 [anywhere]/0 root@server:~# Hope all good! B/R