ispconfig last version on ubuntu 18.04lts server i try to install ispconfig in to my local pc server, it look success but domain can not work. the server work only local network someone have a solution thank
I have been running ISPConfig servers behind router at home for almost 7 years. The trick is simply to port forward all needed ports to your server local (fixed) ip. Just to ponder, home ip is normally dynamic as it most of the time changes when you reboot your router, so you may need a solution to update your domain ip at your dns server.
thank, ahrasis do i need to open all of this port 10026 10027 587 11211 110 143 465 53 53 21 53 22 953 25 993 995 10023 10024 10025 10026 3306 587 10 43 8080 80 8081 465 53 21 22 953 25 443 993 995 10024 9000
Forward only the ports that you need access from external to your server and some of these ports are listed here: As stated in there, if you don't access mysql from external source, you do not need to open it or even forward it to your server, especially if yours is a single server setup. The same applies to other ports such as ftp ports 20-21 if you want to use webftp, port 53 (tcp and udp) if you do not tun uour own dns server and email ports if you don't use email services. Do note that port 25 is normally closed by ISP so running a full mail server may not be possible too for home server. Other than if needed or used ports above, I think mainly you need to forward to your server port 22, 80, 443, 8080 and 8081.