Hi Can somebody help with my new commodo ssl cert

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by JIMCBYRNE, Aug 24, 2019.


    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    I have bought a new commodo ssl cert for my fqdn and all sub domains,
    I have been able to get the cert installed on my FQDN.com domain and also on my sub serv1.domain.com for ispconfig but I am not sure how to link them to ispconfig interface I am using Debain 9 and have previously used letsencrypt with no problems but my certs were only lasting 3 months and they would not renew my new cert is for two years please any help on how to link my new cert to ispconfig interface and also other services thank you in advance
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The SSL key, cert and bundle file which are used by the ISPConfig interface are in the folder /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ If you used LE before, then these are probably symlinks now. delete the symlinks and replace them with files of the same name which contain your new ssl cert.

    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    Thank you Till I will try and see how i get on

    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    Hi Till I copied my cert into the ispserver.crt and also the key into ispserver.key can you tell me if thats ok and witch file is the bundle thank you
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    That's ok. Just ensure that you had no symlinks that staill point to the old LE certs. The bundle is the chain certificate.

    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    Till here are the files that are in the interface
    ispserver.csr ispserver.key.secure ispserver.pemcat
    ispserver.crt ispserver.key ispserver.pem ispserver.pemchmod
    I have a bundle file from commodo but what one is the bundle from the above thank you
  7. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Create a new file /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/ssl/ispserver.bundle and insert the bundle files there.

    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    Hi Till I did make that file and I done service apache2 restart but apache2 has and error and page wont load sorry
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Then check again that you inserted the key into the file ispserver.key and the certificate into the file ispserver.crt.
    JIMCBYRNE likes this.

    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    Hi Till I have checked and they are there and look perfect should I have also done the ispserver.csr still apache2 wont start

    JIMCBYRNE New Member

    Hi Till I got it sorted I just re copy the certs and restarted apache2 Thank you so much for you help
    till likes this.

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