Have tried like this: root@mail:~# mysql -u ispconfig -D dbispconfig -p Enter password: Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MariaDB connection id is 1348 Server version: 10.0.38-MariaDB-0ubuntu0.16.04.1 Ubuntu 16.04 Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. MariaDB [dbispconfig]> MariaDB [dbispconfig]> show tables; +--------------------------+ | Tables_in_dbispconfig | +--------------------------+ | aps_instances | | aps_instances_settings | | aps_packages | | aps_settings | | attempts_login | | client | | client_circle | | client_message_template | | client_template | | client_template_assigned | | country | | cron | | directive_snippets | | dns_rr | | dns_slave | | dns_soa | | dns_template | | domain | | firewall | | ftp_traffic | | ftp_user | | help_faq | | help_faq_sections | | iptables | | mail_access | | mail_backup | | mail_content_filter | | mail_domain | | mail_forwarding | | mail_get | | mail_mailinglist | | mail_relay_recipient | | mail_traffic | | mail_transport | | mail_user | | mail_user_copy1 | | mail_user_filter | | monitor_data | | openvz_ip | | openvz_ostemplate | | openvz_template | | openvz_traffic | | openvz_vm | | remote_session | | remote_user | | server | | server_ip | | server_ip_map | | server_php | | shell_user | | software_package | | software_repo | | software_update | | software_update_inst | | spamfilter_policy | | spamfilter_users | | spamfilter_wblist | | support_message | | sys_config | | sys_cron | | sys_datalog | | sys_dbsync | | sys_filesync | | sys_group | | sys_ini | | sys_log | | sys_remoteaction | | sys_session | | sys_theme | | sys_user | | web_backup | | web_database | | web_database_user | | web_domain | | web_folder | | web_folder_user | | web_traffic | | webdav_user | | xmpp_domain | | xmpp_user | +--------------------------+ 80 rows in set (0.00 sec) MariaDB [dbispconfig]> exit Bye its seems database are working properly As I know, im using default PHP 7.0.33 and never upgrade to newer
Please have a look into the server table, there is a column named 'updated', which number does it contain? then take a look into the sys_datalog table, which is the highest datalog_id in that table? Please, post both values.
Ok, I just noticed that you hijacked a thread from another person who is using PHP 7.3. that's always the problem when you cross-post a different issue or different setup in other users threads.
I tried the same steps as Sterli. I checked datalog_id and server table - column named 'updated'. They are the same. I will add a new site or update the old site and datalog_id and the 'updated' will not change.
The reason for the error form @Sterli was not an issue in ISPConfig, it was a problem that a wrong mysql root password was set in /usr/local/ispconfig/server/lib/mysql_clientdb.conf at the time he updated his system, this caused the incremental database update to fail which then caused that some database columns were missing. We had a similiar case here: https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/urgent-ispconfig-not-creating-jobs-anymore.82655/ This was not an issue in ISPConfig as well, the user messed up his mysql config file which prevented mysql cli command to fail which then resulted in a failed update.
Ok, I followed https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/urgent-ispconfig-not-creating-jobs-anymore.82655/ (my database table "sys_datalog" doesn't have a column "session_id") I changed "dbversion "column of my server" table to 86 and ISPConfig update again. There were a few warnings during the update:
Check your mysql config where you defined that ft_min_word_len= and correct the config. Probably you added some config into the [mysql] section (which is the mysql client) of the mysql configuration instead of the [mysqld] section (which is the mysql server).
Ok, the problem is fixed. In the ISPConfig-3.1.14p2.tar.gz Installation Archive in the ispconfig3_install\install\sql\incremental directory, I manually ran upd_0087.sgl Missing DB changes added and everything works ok (adding new pages, etc.)