I am new to linux and I want to good at really fast. I have no programming experience but I have gotten really interested in what linux can do. Where is the best place to get some free and practical experience to improve my knowledge of linux and all its functions. WOuld like to really master the basics and then take off from there.
I will simply advise to install debian or ubuntu server with ISPConfig and drive through it while learning where you could equip yourself with web, ftp, dns, mail, database etc, both creation and management, therefrom. I think it is more useful and fun to learn linux this way since there are a good community and developer's supports in here as well as on other websites.
I am definitely going to look into your suggestion. I started learning about linux in a college course and kind of gotten hooked on what you can do and how user friendly it appears to be. It's just that nothing in my day to day uses it directly. I need a lot of beginner interaction. Thanks for suggestion again.