Dead Server Migration of *ISPConfig3 & Ubuntu 18.04*

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by CRY, Oct 17, 2019.

  1. CRY

    CRY New Member

    I had planned on purchasing the migration tool later this year so I could do a server migration for the start of the new year, but it would seem my server had different plans for this all on it's own. The server has died on me, this morning, before this migration was able to happen. I only have access to the HDD itself inside another ** Non-Server ** system. I have searched and searched for days and cannot find a true answer for how to do a manual migration under these circumstances. Clearly the Migration Tool will not work for me due to the dead server and I also do not have physical access to the new server to simply put the HDD into it (Server is in another country). Thankfully I only have approximately 15 clients to move over, but there is websites, databases, e-mails, dns, etc that has to be moved.

    Does anyone know of a " clear-cut " explanation/tutorial of everything that needs to be moved as well as any steps that need to be taken on the new server so as to make this go as simply and quickly as possible. I've already completed the new setup of ISPConfig3 to the new server and added in the users.

    Thanks so much in advance.
  2. koheleth

    koheleth Member

    Your backups offsite and safe?
    If so rest easy.
    Hosting nitemare eh.
    I can restore a whole server in about 3 minutes, but will lose data from last bkp. 12 hrs or what ever.
    Guys here will sort you out.
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

  4. CRY

    CRY New Member

    This is the backup drive (mirrored) that I have here. However, I do not have the means to restore it as the server has a dead motherboard. There is no way to boot up the drive to do a recovery. I need to do this manually via a secondary system where the drive has been mounted as a non-boot drive temporarily.
    This leads me to need to know the locations of all files, emails, databases, dns, etc. For me the huge concern is the databases, emails, and passwords. I'm not so concerned about the website files or dns as those are easy to recreate/move

  5. CRY

    CRY New Member

  6. Steini86

    Steini86 Active Member

    I would just use rsync to copy the contents of the disk to a new server and change the IP addresses.. Simple and fast.
    There are tons of examples in the internet. Try for example:

    Edit: Make sure, you have the same system running on the new server than was installed on the old one.
    Otherwise, use "dd" to copy the whole harddrive. Should be bootable, then change IP addresses (you need a local interface, because you probably can't connect via SSH if the IP does not fit
  7. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    One additional idea to consider in getting your old OS booted is create a vm on your secondary system using the old device as it's hdd.

    The raw database files should all be under /var/lib/mysql/, email under /var/vmail/ and websites under /var/www/ .. you might need to reference userid's from /etc/{passwd,group}, or reset file/directory ownership if you end up recreating website users. Passwords for almost all the things ISPConfig manages (email accounts, databases, etc.) are stored in the dbispconfig database, so will largely be in tact if/when you restore all your databases.
  8. CRY

    CRY New Member

    This was actually to be my initial approach, however I am stopped from using this by 2 things. 1. I do not have any local access to the New server as it is in another country and I have no access to there at the moment. 2. The systems are not the same, technically. Server1 was Ubuntu 16.04 Server2 is Ubuntu 18.04 (16.04 was not offered as 18.04 is more compatible with the R510 Server I'm using; 16.04 is known to have a lot of issues).

    I was able to do your first suggestion (I actually just completed the entire process a few minutes ago) and so far so good minus a few issues I can resolve with some time and patience.
    I may still have to do this manually though so I will take a good hard look at your second comment.

    Can the migration toolkit work if the Source Server is Ubuntu 16.04 and the Target Server is Ubuntu 18.04? Or should I consider upgrading the Source Server OS to match the Target? I've been able to get the old hard drive running in another machine and ISPConfig3.1.15p2 is running strong.

    EDIT: How is ISPConfig 3.1.15p2 affected by an OS upgrade?

    As always, Thanks to everyone for the assistance
  9. CRY

    CRY New Member

    So far so good. All eMail has been moved over successfully and is running smoothly on the new server.
    Now just to tackle website files and mysql accounts and db's.
  10. CRY

    CRY New Member

    Everything was moved over successfully.... Well, at least I thought it was successful. I'm not sure what I have done, but now none of the domains can send or receive emails to/from any address. Uhhhhg... and here I thought I was done and ready to go.
  11. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Which errors do you get in the mail.log?
  12. CRY

    CRY New Member

    This would be the most recent of the logs. from mail.log

    Nov 4 20:05:05 vmi305020 dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (disconnected before auth was ready, waited 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<QzlW/omWnOV/AAAB>
    Nov 4 20:05:05 vmi305020 dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<a21W/omWeIx/AAAB>
    Nov 4 20:05:36 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from [x.x.x.x]:12934 to [x.x.x.x]:25
    Nov 4 20:05:36 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS OLD [x.x.x.x]:12934
    Nov 4 20:05:36 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:06:38 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from [x.x.x.x]:17536 to [x.x.x.x]:25
    Nov 4 20:06:38 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS OLD [x.x.x.x]:17536
    Nov 4 20:06:38 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:06:48 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from [x.x.x.x:22352 to [x.x.x.x]:25
    Nov 4 20:06:48 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS OLD [x.x.x.x]:22352
    Nov 4 20:06:48 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:07:38 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from [x.x.x.x]:43647 to [x.x.x.x]:25
    Nov 4 20:07:38 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS OLD [x.x.x.x]:43647
    Nov 4 20:07:38 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:07:57 vmi305020 postfix/smtps/smtpd[32667]: warning: hostname does not resolve to address x.x.x.x: Name or service not known
    Nov 4 20:07:57 vmi305020 postfix/smtps/smtpd[32667]: connect from unknown[x.x.x.x]
    Nov 4 20:08:58 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from [x.x.x.x]:9328 to [x.x.x.x]:25
    Nov 4 20:08:58 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS OLD [x.x.x.x]:9328
    Nov 4 20:08:58 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:09:04 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from [x.x.x.x]:27735 to [x.x.x.x]:25
    Nov 4 20:09:10 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS NEW [x.x.x.x]:27735
    Nov 4 20:09:10 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:09:10 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: PASS OLD [x.x.x.x]:27735
    Nov 4 20:09:10 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: DISCONNECT [x.x.x.x]:27735
    Nov 4 20:09:40 vmi305020 postfix/smtps/smtpd[32667]: SSL_accept error from unknown[x.x.x.x]: lost connection
    Nov 4 20:09:40 vmi305020 postfix/smtps/smtpd[32667]: lost connection after CONNECT from unknown[x.x.x.x]
    Nov 4 20:09:40 vmi305020 postfix/smtps/smtpd[32667]: disconnect from unknown[x.x.x.x] commands=0/0
    Nov 4 20:10:03 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: CONNECT from []:52754 to []:25
    Nov 4 20:10:03 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: WHITELISTED []:52754
    Nov 4 20:10:03 vmi305020 postfix/postscreen[32360]: warning: cannot connect to service private/smtpd: No such file or directory
    Nov 4 20:10:03 vmi305020 dovecot: imap-login: Disconnected (disconnected before auth was ready, waited 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<tgUXEIqWLOd/AAAB>
    Nov 4 20:10:03 vmi305020 dovecot: pop3-login: Disconnected (no auth attempts in 0 secs): user=<>, rip=, lip=, secured, session=<3zQXEIqWCI5/AAAB>
  13. CRY

    CRY New Member

    Well, I deduced one of the errors in this list... Turns out I had forgot to uncomment -->
    #smtps inet n - n - - smtpd

    Now that I did that I can get emails sending out, but still cannot get any incoming emails.
  14. CRY

    CRY New Member

    Long nights, I swear.... LOL... More errors solved by another mistake I made. Also forgot to uncomment -->
    #smtpd pass - - y - - smtpd

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