@ the moment my domainregistrar uses ip's for secondary nameserver support. I can add them in the "Allow zone transfers" field. They are changing it from 3 ip's to an iprange. How to add this range to the "Allow zone transfers" field?
I am willing to help but do not understand the question. Give some context. Are you maintaining your name servers with ISPConfig? How is the secondary server set up to sync to the primary? Are you running so many secondary servers that you can not write the list of ip-numbers? Are the server ip-numbers constantly changing within some subnet range?
I don't offhand, but it seems a bit odd to me that you would wait for a forum response over a month when it would take just a few minutes to try it and find out if that syntax is accepted. Put the range in, and if it gives a syntax error when saving, it is not an acceptable input in the interface.
I'm running my own name server with allow axfr to 3 different ip adresses from the domainregistrar (transip) . They are changing from ipadresses to the range Sure I did that, then I see Code: Xfer: Please use one or more IP addresses, separated by , or use the keyword: any
I don't think that IP ranges are implemented in ISPConfig yet. You will have to alter the code or regex for the input or make a faeture request in the bug tracker.
Yes was just looking for this also, So the range we can't ad yet, but can I somehow convert a range into multiple ip's or is this a typical noob question? split in a few i can ad as with the range Greets Appie
The main problem with converting a range to individual IP's is that, depending on the range, you would have to add more ip's than you could fit into the field and that it's inconvenient to handle so many IP's and that's why the IP range notation was introduced.