Hi, Goodday i have hosted an sub domain for examble sub.examble.com in my ispconfig server and created dns zone template for sub.examble.com directly access the sub domain is working fine. But when i try to point the sub domain from another domain for examble sub.examble1.com using cname it is display my first web sites index page. I have created the sub domain website with ipv4 address & not with wildcard. Thanks. Your help is much appreciated!
Similar question is often answered on this forum. Use Internet Search Engines with Code: site:howtoforge.com wrong website shown
Hi, My site is working fine there is no problem when i access the site directly. When i point an another domains cname record to my server it display first website page. For example i have a domain hosted in ispconfig that domain name is sub.domain.com when i access this domain directly in the browser there is no problem the correct site is loading. But if i point an another domain for example sub.another-domain.com cname record to sub.domain.com. In this case the first website default site is loading. I have tried with other website address in the same server but all of them return only first website default page. Note : The sub.another-domain.com is not hosted in the ispconfig server it is my client domain i have created cname record in their DNS Zone & it is propogated correctly pointing my server domain
What do you mean by accessing directly? To rule out name service problems, you can test your websites using this method: https://www.faqforge.com/linux/cont...ess-a-namebased-website-without-a-dns-record/ Have you created in ISPConfig website for this another domain? Do all the websites you have created in ISPConfig have either * in the IP Address entry or the IP-address written there, not a mix of both ways? Did you read the search results I mentioned in my first answer?
When i access the sub domain mentioned above sub.domain.com in the browser direclty using the url. I am able to see the content i have hosted in that domain Yes sir i have thoroughly checked all hosted domain's with the following conditions that Till Mentioned in an Answer
Taleman said: ↑ Have you created in ISPConfig website for this another domain? Sowndharraj D said: ↑ Note : The sub.another-domain.com is not hosted in the ispconfig server it is my client domain i have created cname record in their DNS Zone & it is propogated correctly pointing my server domain You did not answer the question.
No Sir i have not created a website for the another domain. I just want to alias the sub.another-domain.com to sub.domain.com that is hosted in my ispconfig server.Using CNAME i have created the CNAME record in the sub.another-domain.com's DNS Zone & It is propagated correctly. The issue here is when i enter the sub.another-domain.com url in the browser it display my first website's content. i have tried with other domain in exchange for sub.domain.com that is hosted in my server all of them are only display my first website's content not displaing the expected one's content.
ISPConfig sets up webserver so it uses name based virtual hosts. That means if you write in browser address bar foobar.xyzzy.tld the web server shows website foobar.xyzzy.tld. If no such website exists, web server shows first website in alphabetical order. ISPConfig supports aliasdomains and subdomains, maybe read the manual until you figure out how to specify the functionality that you want.