I wish to migrate users from tld1 onto tld2 in a phased manner over time Users will exist on both tld1 tld2 tld1 & tld2 are both on same server Both user1@tld1 & user1@tld2 can be pre-existing email domain alias works without complaint and can be removed but of course it does all user - i.e. not user specific "email alias" and "email forward" both complained about email address already existing. Is it intended to prohibit temporary alias/forward to another user on the same server? What is the recommended process?
For what? You seem to have done someting already, but it has not worked. What was that and what did not work? If you just want to change a users e-mail address from [email protected] to [email protected], create the new e-mail box (and e-mail domain) and move the contents of mailbox. Use Internet Search Engines with Code: site:howtoforge.com migrate e-mail box
I am sorry if I have not been clear. I have been trying to set up either forward or alias from a one domain to another domain for individual emails addresses. IspConfig3 rejects the request because the destination (I assume) email box already exists. (though I can do it for an entire domain, or individually off to another server)
The destination mailbox should exist to forward be meaningful. I believe the error message you get (which you omitted to show, it is useful to know the exact error message text) is The existing e-mail box is probably the address you want to alias from. ISPConfig does not allow you to set up alias from [email protected] to something else if there is a mailbox [email protected].
Yes, as the old mailbox won't work anymore when you add a forward for the same address. You three two options: a) Create the new mailbox, then delete the old mailbox and then add an email forward from old name to new name. b) Create the new mailbox and then use the send copy to function to send y copy of every incoming email from old to new address. c) Create the enw mailbox and add a custom sieve rule to send a copy of the email to the new mailbox without storing it in the old mailbox.
Till, thanks for the suggestions. I went for putting in Email -> Email Mailbox -> Custom Rules redirect "user@other-tld"; Works ok except that it acts as a "copy" because it also leaves a copy at the user@original-tld ?
You have to add the line: stop; after your redirect. If you don't add that, then sieve thinks that you want to keep the message and will put a copy into the inbox.