Hi, if you are use certbot so you can upgrade certbot to latest version by using: Code: /opt/certbot/certbot-auto and than force renew all certificate with command: Code: /opt/certbot/certbot-auto renew --force-renewal After renewal you have to restart web server to load new certificates. I don't know if is it proper way but it works for me.
Hi! I had the same problem for only one of my certificates which was concerned by the Let's Encrypt problem today. I tried to renew the certificate by unchecking and rechecking SSL/LE in ISPConfig but the certificate refused the renewal because of "Cert not yet due for renewal - Keeping the existing certificate". So here is what i've done to force renewal of the certificate: 1- Uncheck LE for the domain in ISPConfig. 2- Remove the directory of the domain in "/etc/letsencrypt/live". 3- Recheck LE for the domain. And it works!
The email from LE contained instructions which work fine on ISPConfig servers, so running: certbot-auto renew --force-renewal as described in the LE mail is sufficient, in case that certot is not in the oath on your systen, you'll have to use the full path to the certbot command.
Yes. I was a bit confuse because I dit not receive the mail personaly (I am not the owner of the certificates) and I was not sure if the command "certbot-auto renew --force-renewal" was necessary to renew only one certificate. But if you say using this command is the right way, this is the right way .
The command actually renews all certs, so it's a bit much indeed. I just wanted to mention that it would be totally fine as well to just do what LE recommends.
thank you for your support. Instructions worked well, upgraded certbot from v1.0 to v1.3 worked perfect. /opt/certbot/certbot-auto Curiously ISPConfig on CentOS 7 seemed to do some job for me. Contrary to the announcement of Let's encrypt all objected domains work fine till now, without manual renewal. Anyway, if things change I'll be ready.