srv record in dns template

Discussion in 'General' started by roma_17, Jan 20, 2014.

  1. roma_17

    roma_17 New Member

    I want to make dns template with SRV autodiscover record for MS Outlook, but unfortunately SRV records contains more fields then CNAME or A records and I don't know in which order I have to put additional fields such as weight or port.

    Does anybody know how correctly use SRV records in dns templates ?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Crete a srv record in ispconfig and then check it in the database (table dns_rr) to see how it is composed, you will see that it does not has more fields then a txt , mx or a record.
  3. maumar

    maumar Member

    this works for me:
    SRV|_sipfederationtls._tcp|1 5061|100|60
    SRV|_sip._tls|1 443|100|60
    Jesse Norell likes this.
  4. Aris Dizdarevic

    Aris Dizdarevic New Member

    If anyone needs SRV records for autodiscover (Microsoft Exchange Autodiscover) SRV template is:

    SRV|[service|weight port server-host-name.|priority|ttl

    SRV|_autodiscover._tcp|10 443|1|300
    ...translates into:
    _autodiscover._tcp 300 SRV 1 10 443

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