It is updated for php7.4 and Debian 10 It comes down to 1) Install sury repo 2) Install your php version and needed modules 3) Set paths in ISPConfig 4) Revert CLI version of PHP to dist standard Don't miss that step 9!
Yes, you have to update it to the most recent version. The debian package is no longer maintained. You can use the package and replace the files in /usr/share/phpmyadmin Or install it in a separate web Or use adminer (single php file, which is easier to maintain than phpmyadmin):
Is this still correct for my Joomla sites that are now running under PHP 7.4? Code: fastcgi_pass unix:/var/lib/php7.2-fpm/web5.sock;
should be, there's just a single path to the php-fpm web sockets, they do get the correct php versions, which you can check by using phpinfo.php (temporarily - always delete it after testing) on that site.