ispmigration toolkit killed targetserver

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by arnold61, Apr 25, 2020.

  1. arnold61

    arnold61 New Member

    After using the migration toolkit to transfer sites from one server to another, the target sever finaly stopped appache.
    I have ispconfig 3.1.15p2 on both
    the script stopped with an login error at the target after working longer time (maybe because try to login to server:8080 instead of server:8080/remote/ ???
    now the apache2 on the target server has stopped working with 503 ...
    how can this be?
  2. arnold61

    arnold61 New Member

    2020-04-25 14:23:49 - [INFO] Successfully executed command gunzip -c /tmp/migrate-import-tmp.sql.gz | mysql --max_allowed_packet=1G -h 'localhost' -D c1aps1 -u 'root' -p'N3UyaU7CqVZg'
    2020-04-25 14:23:50 - [INFO] Successfully executed command rm -f '/tmp/migrate-import-tmp.sql.gz' ;
    2020-04-25 14:23:50 - [INFO] Successfully executed command rm -rf '/tmp/dumps'
    2020-04-25 14:23:51 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:23:51 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (server_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:23:51 - [INFO] Trying again (server_config_set)
    2020-04-25 14:23:53 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:23:53 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (server_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:23:53 - [INFO] Trying again (server_config_set)
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (server_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [ERROR] API call to server_config_set failed.
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR. Arguments sent were: array (
    'server_id' => '1',
    'section' => 'web',
    'key' => 'check_apache_config',
    'value' => 'y',
    'session_id' => 'c140dc0e745b8a56d0e44fb4dab993b9',
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [WARN] Failed setting apache config check active on the target web server.
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (server_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:23:55 - [INFO] Trying again (server_config_set)
    2020-04-25 14:23:58 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:23:58 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (server_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:23:58 - [INFO] Trying again (server_config_set)
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (server_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [ERROR] API call to server_config_set failed.
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR. Arguments sent were: array (
    'server_id' => '1',
    'section' => 'server',
    'key' => 'migration_mode',
    'value' => 'n',
    'session_id' => 'c140dc0e745b8a56d0e44fb4dab993b9',
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [WARN] Failed setting migration mode inactive on the target web server.
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (system_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:24:00 - [INFO] Trying again (system_config_set)
    2020-04-25 14:24:02 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:24:02 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (system_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:24:02 - [INFO] Trying again (system_config_set)
    2020-04-25 14:24:04 - [ERROR] Error opening connection to on port 8080: Connection refused
    2020-04-25 14:24:04 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR in API call (system_config_set): NO ACCESS
    2020-04-25 14:24:04 - [ERROR] API call to system_config_set failed.
    2020-04-25 14:24:04 - [ERROR] JSON API ERROR. Arguments sent were: array (
    'section' => 'sites',
    'key' => 'dbname_prefix',
    'value' => 'c[CLIENTID]',
    'session_id' => 'c140dc0e745b8a56d0e44fb4dab993b9',
    2020-04-25 14:24:04 - [WARN] Failed restoring prefixes on target. You find them under system -> Main config -> Sites.
  3. arnold61

    arnold61 New Member

    further more trying to sort databases with username results in an empty list
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This can happen e.g. when your old server is using apache modules that are not installed on the new one or any other config in apache which is not compatible with the new system. This does not happen quite often, but it can happen. Restart apache on the new server and check which error you get on the shell, in the var/log/syslog file and in the apache error.log file.

    That's a known issue in ISPConfig and not related to the migration.
  5. arnold61

    arnold61 New Member

    Finaly i found as reason, that some clients had set mod_php, resulting in 4 lines mod_php patch inserted from resync in their sites enabled config, these lines trigggered a syntax error in apache. I verfied it, removed the lines manually, then resync, they are here again. So my suggestion to ask like with other php, what to set during migration. Was not realy happy to have a downtime on the target with a payed tool. And I miss for the remot user a button "select al", its realy annoying to click all selects for migration.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The downtime was caused by the fact that you used a new system that was not compatible with the old system, that's not the fault of the Migration Tool. If you use function A in the old server and you want to migrate to a new server, then the new server must provide the same function to work seamlessly. And mod_php is a system requirement of ISPConfig on Apache servers, see perfect server guides for details on how to set up a system that fulfills all requirements to run ISPConfig.

    What do you think would happen if the tool would start to delete all custom configs you made? Users would complain badly about why the tool discards their custom config.

    Beside of that, you do not have any downtime on live systems, as the migration procedure is this:

    1) Run the tool on the old server to do the first migration pass.
    2) Test the new server to verify that everything works properly.
    3) Run the migration tool with resync option to resnyc the data in the case that files or databases changed on the old system.
    4) Switch over DNS or IP to the new server.

    This means your customer sites are running on the old server until step 4, so if something goes wrong in step 1, no site is affected.

    This is not related to the Migration Tool as Remote users are a function in ISPConfig, the Tool has no influence on how this works in ISPConfig. If you don't like how ISPConfig works, feel free to make a feature request in the ISPConfig issue tracker at

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