Whitelist for recipient domain not editable by user

Discussion in 'General' started by conrad784, May 19, 2020.

  1. conrad784

    conrad784 New Member

    as an admin, I am able to create whitelist/blacklist entries for a full domains "@domain". As the user which this domains belong to, I can only create those wildcard entries for one of 3 domains.
    The two domains which can't be assigned by the user have mailboxes, the third domain is an alias of one of the first.
    I don't see, why a user is not allowed to create wildcard whitelists for a domain with mailboxes, but for the alias-domain.

    How can I allow the user to create entries for their domains instead of creating them with the admin user?

    Best regards
  2. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    What do you have set in this client's limit template for 'Max. number of email catchall accounts'?
  3. conrad784

    conrad784 New Member

    It was 10, but even with -1 it does not change anything.
    I can't find in the manual what even has an effect on this.
  4. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    I suppose it's implicit in my last question, but does the client have a limit template set, or is it using custom limits?

    I'll see if I can reproduce that, maybe it's a bug.
  5. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    I'm not able to reproduce this, make sure I have the setup right: I have a domain assigned to a client which has an email mailbox created, I go to Email > Spamfilter > Whitelist and click to add a whitelist record, and in the 'User:' list I see both @domain and user@domain as options.

    I'm on a pretty current ispconfig version, perhaps you need to update?
  6. conrad784

    conrad784 New Member

    Hi, first of all, thank you for your help :)
    Today I had some time for investigating all the mysql tables. Turns out, the spamfilter users for this domains where created in the name of the admin user o_O. I think I recreated some Mail Domains, but the spamfilter users where still created by admin. Changing the ownership to the client fixed the issue!

    Thanks again!

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