ISPConfig on fc3

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by rrevels, Jul 27, 2005.

  1. rrevels

    rrevels New Member

    I just installed ISPConfig on a Fedora Core 3 server and am very pleased with the results. First let me just say that the developers of this software ROCK!

    The documentation for installation and use is at just as impressive as the software.

    I did run into a couple of items that I thought I would pass along.

    I'm running bind in a chroot'ed directory so will have to go move the zone files and create links each time I create a new domain with ISPConfig. Can't think of a way around this right at the moment. I also had to change the zone directory in the named.conf file. I did this at the top of the file so am unsure if the change will be retained or not yet.

    Setup wouldn't complete due to zlib being down rev from what configure was looking for. The version that was needed isn't in the fc3-updates repository so I had to do some manual checking of dependencies and grab it from the fc-4 distribution to install.

    My thanks to the Developers for creating this software.
    Richard Revels
  2. rrevels

    rrevels New Member


    Ah yes. Posting (and reading) is good. Once I read my original post, I realized all I need to do is change the zone directory in ISPConfig to the chroot'ed directory (or create a link in /etc) and I can forget the links from /var/named. I never use them and neither does named.

  3. oddo

    oddo New Member

    error installing zlib 1.2.3 on fc3

    after compiling with "no errors" on fc3

    tar zxvf zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
    cd zlib-1.2.3
    nano README
    make test
    make install
    i tried ...
    cd /root
    tar xvfz zlib-1.2.3.tar.gz
    cd zlib-1.2.3
    make test
    make install
    no errors but still i have installed zlib

    [root@server zlib-1.2.3]# yum list installed "zlib*"
    Installed Packages
    zlib.i386 installed
    zlib-devel.i386 installed
    [root@server zlib-1.2.3]#

    how do i install zlib 1.2.3 ?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    yum lists what is in its database. Because you've installed zlib from the sources, yum cannot know that there's a newer version installed so don't worry about the yum output.

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