(Solved} ISPC Port 8080 and Softaculous

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by kettgun, Jul 12, 2020.

  1. kettgun

    kettgun New Member

    I tried to install Softaculous in ISPC. I changed the ISPC port from 8080 to 2083 because port 8080 is closed in my network. If I click Softaculous link in Tools - Auto Installer, the URL still use port 8080 so that I can't access Softaculous, except changing it manually. Is it because of ISPC or Softaculous? How to solve it? Thank you.
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Contact Softaculous support. The Link to Softaculous in ISPConfig is added by Softaculous.
  3. kettgun

    kettgun New Member

    Thank you, Till. I have contacted Softaculous support. It is hardcoded in softaculous.menu.php

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