How to install NGINX + Pagespeed for ISPCONFIG

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by defmsy, Jan 29, 2016.

  1. defmsy

    defmsy New Member

    I'm trying to install nginx with pagespeed module on Debian 8.
    My problem is that ISPCONFIG does not configure NGINX correctly when I use the compiled version with pagespeed.
    Can someone help me with the specific ./configure options to make it work with ISPCONFIG?
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You probably used wrong configure options like a different path or user. Just install the Nginx from dotdeb, ISPConfig runs out of the box with it.
  3. defmsy

    defmsy New Member

    Thank you for the answer.
    I didn't know mod_pagespeed was include in dotdeb package.
    I worked on it today and I managed to build my own package with right options.
  4. EckyBrazzz

    EckyBrazzz Member

    To activate ngx_pagespeed follow this manual to get Nginx with ngx-pagespeed. The script was written for Debian, but also works fine with Ubuntu
    chmod +x

    Select 1) Install or update Nginx
    Answer yes to mall the modules to install
    Welcome to the nginx-autoinstall script.
    What do you want to do?
    1) Install or update Nginx
    2) Uninstall Nginx
    3) Update the script
    Select an option [1-3]: 1
    This script will install Nginx 1.11.6 (mainline) with some optional famous modules.
    Please tell me which modules you want to install.
    If you select none, Nginx will be installed with its default modules.
    Modules to install :
    PageSpeed [y/n]: y
    Brotli [y/n]: y
    Headers More 0.32 [y/n]: y
    GeoIP [y/n]: y
    Choose your OpenSSL implementation :
    1) System's OpenSSL (default)
    2) OpenSSL 1.0.2h from source
    3) LibreSSL 2.4.4 from source
    Select an option [1-3]: 1
    Nginx is ready to be installed, press any key to continue...
    Installing dependencies [OK]
    Downloading ngx_pagespeed [OK]
    Downloading libbrotli [OK]
    Configuring libbrotli [OK]
    Compiling libbrotli [OK]
    Installing libbrotli [OK]
    Downloading ngx_brotli [OK]
    Downloading ngx_headers_more [OK]
    Downloading GeoIP databases [OK]
    Downloading Nginx [OK]
    Configuring Nginx [OK]
    Compiling Nginx [OK]
    Installing Nginx [OK]
    Restarting Nginx [OK]
    Installation successfull
    Do not forget to do apt-mark hold nginx-common nginx-core to prevent that these are being updated without ngx_pagespeed
    root@techlabs:~# dpkg --get-selections | grep nginx
    nginx-common install
    nginx-core install
    apt-mark hold nginx-common nginx-core
    If you want you can run the script whenever you want, just update it and if there are any updates you will get nginx with the latest version.

    You can read the entire manual here:
  5. In my case, in one of my servers, I had to manually delete everything under /etc/nginx/modules-enabled to get nginx to start — allegedly because of a difference in libraries when compiling all these new/unsupported modules.
    But strangely enough the other servers had no issue whatsoever.
    Pagespeed most definitely works (on all of them!). Thank you so much for your instructions!
    (I know... this was posted two years ago... but it still works!)
    Last edited: Jun 3, 2019
  6. Neptun

    Neptun Member

  7. fbarcenas

    fbarcenas Member

    I just tried that script with DEBIAN 10 setup..It gave me pam auth errors and would not start NGINX..

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