ISPConfig HA setup questions

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Aayush, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. Aayush

    Aayush New Member

    Hello everyone !!

    Well I have been following the Ispconfig emails, dns, sites, mysql cluster on debian 8 for setting up ispconfig in HA. I noticed that the tutorial is related to ispconfig Master-Slave architecture. However I want to set up ispconfig Master-Master Setup where if one of my ispconfig node fails than other node can handle to read/write request.
    The in the current turorial I am only able to add sites,emails on the master server and not from the slave server, if my master server goes down than client wont be able to add new sites from the slave server.
    Is there any way i can deploy master-master archtecture for HA ???
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The goal of the setup that you used is to get HA for all hosted sites, email, DNS, etc and you can do changes in the GUI when master is down, but these changes will not be processed until the master is up again. Outages of the GUI are normally not as relevant as outages in hosted sites or email, especially as even outages in a non HA system are really rare, you get uptimes from 99.999% even without using HA regularly, on the other hand, I know HA systems which have higher outages than non HA systems just due to the added complexity of the systems. If you would want to have HA for the GUI as well, then you must use a HA MariaDB cluster as master database so that all ISPConfig GUI instances connect to that HA database and the master connections of the slave nodes must be made to this HA database cluster as well.
  3. Aayush

    Aayush New Member

    hello Tim,
    Thank you for your reply. I am planning to use keep alive and floating Ip to move the IP from one server to another. I also have installed ispconfig interface for the salve server too. So incase my ispconfig node 1 gets down the IP floats to the next ispconfig node 2 (currently slave) and the services are served from ispconfig node 2. The problem here is that ispconfig node 2 is not able to create sites, clients and only replicates the content from the master ispconfig (ispconfig node 1) . The ispconfig interface, and all the sites are reachable from ispconfig node 2 but adding a new client or site on ispconfig node 2 (slave server) is not possible. If only ispconfig node 2 (slave server) is able to add new sites, dns, emails than my problem would have been solved.
  4. Aayush

    Aayush New Member

    Also i have this error. I am using the user root for connecting to the other ispconfig server with grant all options.
  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    I've explained in post #2 already what's possible with the normal setup (using the GUI on both nodes, but changes will not be applied until node1 is up again) and what you have to do if you want to be able to create websites from node #3 even if the master is down.
  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    This indicates that your system is not installed correctly. Either the root user lacks permissions or you use an incompatible database version like MySQL 8.
  7. Aayush

    Aayush New Member

    I have Mysql version 10.1.44
  8. Aayush

    Aayush New Member

    Also if i copied /usr/local/ispconfig/interface/lib/ from node 1 to node 2 without installing ispconfig interface on the node 2, will i be able to access the ispconfig interface from node 2 ?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    No. That you can't use something that you did not install should be obvious.

    That's MariaDB and not MySQL. MariaDB 10.1 is fine.
  10. Aayush

    Aayush New Member

    Hello Tim,
    Sorry for late reply.. Umm I installed ispconfig interface both on node 1 and node 2 . And copied from node 1 to node 2. When I create a site or add client from node 2 interface, it gets stuck on the "not applied on all the server" message.

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