On Debian, for a reason I don't understand, when you on call you IP server with http://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx you'll redirect in /var/ww/html (ok) but if you go on httpS://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx you'll redirect in /var/www/clients/client1/web1 How fix that ? is like /etc/apache2/sites-available/default-ssl.conf is not used I tried to start a2ensite default-ssl, but it changed nothing Thx for your help
Thx Jesse, In fact, I renamed the symbolic link default-ssl.conf 000-default-ssl.conf -> ../sites-available/default-ssl.conf in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled But I have a security alerte about the certificat named about the fqdn when I recah the machine by it's fqdn... weird. Anyway, thank for you awnser. I'm using ISPconfig in a professionnel way since 10 years (yes I started with ISP v2, we're getting old) and I'm very happy.
You're right ahrasis, but it's the same for default (http) and it's works It's mandatory for me to works with https, it's just a security issue. Now you can't reach a website jus using the IP's server with https://xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx
One of the rule you may need to understand in a web server is not to mix http with https in one server because it will be quite problematic.