I have three apps in the same site: Code: /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/app1 /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/app2 /var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/app3 Instead of reaching them with: Code: https://mydomain.tld/app1 https://mydomain.tld/app2 https://mydomain.tld/app3 I would like to reach them by subdomain like: Code: https://app1.mydomain.tld https://app2.mydomain.tld https://app3.mydomain.tld What is the best way?
Have you tried creating a subdomain for that website? ISPConfig 3.1 Manual chapter Subdomain for website.
Yes I did it. I tried setting "Redirect Path" as "/app2/" and also "http://mydomain.tld/app2/" but I always go to http:/app2.mydomain.tld/app1/ In root folder (/var/www/clients/client0/web1/web/) I have and index.html page that redirect to /app1/, but shouldn't it be ignored?
Using Internet Search Engines with Code: site:howtoforge.com website subdomain I found among others this as first entry: https://www.howtoforge.com/communit...-to-a-file-subdirectory-with-ispconfig.81689/ Also: Do all the subdomains have valid certificates? Chapter 5.17 in ISPConfig Manual 3.1 explains more how to create a subdomain and redirect to folder.
Solved enabling "Create subdomains as web site" under System > Main Config > Sites then configuring Sites -> Websites -> Subdomain (Vhost) instead of Sites -> Websites -> Subdomain for website R.T.F.M Thanks.