ispconfig 3.2.1 - - dns

Discussion in 'ISPConfig 3 Priority Support' started by gerdriese, Dec 8, 2020.

  1. gerdriese

    gerdriese New Member

    Hi there,
    I'm currently transferring my old server to a new one.
    On my old Server I used with the DNS validation for letsencrypt and it worked like a charm. (Old is Debian jessie with ispconfig 3.1.xx / new is Buster with ispconfig 3.2.1)
    On the old server the Acme DNS script connects via a remote user to ispconfig and adds / removes the txt challenge without any problem. On 3.2.1 I always get the error Message
    {"code":"remote_fault","message":"Incorrect integer value: '' for column `dbispconfig`.`dns_rr`.`sys_userid` at row 1 INSERT INTO `dns_rr` (`server_id`, `zone`, `name`, `type`, `data`, `ttl`, `active`, `stamp`, `serial`, `sys_userid`, `sys_groupid`, `sys_perm_user`, `sys_perm_group`, `sys_perm_other`) VALUES ('1', '3', '_acme-challenge.some.domain.', 'txt', 'SOME-KEY', '3600', 'y', '2020-12-08 13:26:35', '1607430395', '', '', 'riud', 'riud', '')","response":false}

    I then tried to use curl to try it on my own and it worked on the old server but on the new I've got the same Error Message.
    Example: curl --header "Content-Type: application/json" --insecure --request POST --data '{"session_id":"XXX","client_id":"3","params":{"server_id":"1","zone":"8","name":"_acme-challenge.XXX.XXX.","type":"txt","data":"SOMEDATA","aux":"0","ttl":"3600","active":"y","stamp":"2020-12-08 13:26:35","serial":"1607430395"},"update_serial":true}' https://localhost:8080/remote/json.php?dns_txt_add

    Any Idea what's going wrong?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Seems as if you provide a wrong or non-existing client_id to the api function.
  3. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

  4. gerdriese

    gerdriese New Member

    thanks - I found the bug... It's like till said - I used the wrong client_id - on the new one there are fewer clients defined and thats why my old script didn't work... you shall not hardcode ids ;)
    ahrasis and Jesse Norell like this.
  5. Jesse Norell

    Jesse Norell Well-Known Member Staff Member Howtoforge Staff

    Right, my thinking was a bit too brief, using that proxy would have prevented such an error, not caused it.

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