Hello , -The Perfect Server - Ubuntu 18.04 (Nginx, MySQL, PHP, Postfix, BIND, Dovecot, Pure-FTPD and ISPConfig 3.1) ( Im a noob, enthusiast) Hope this is the right place to post this question . I have the server running properly using Roundcube as the webmail and I Used sendgrid as the relay in order to bypass the ip being blacklisted . I've been sending and receiving emails with out any issue but now i would like to manage my email with thunderbird or a likes ( spike , spark) easier for manage in my mobile. In order to do that i need to setup Imap and smtp in the respective apps . I've tried all of the ones to come in mind and they didn't work . should I use smtp from sendgrid? where do i get the smtp and imap info for my server ? Any help is greatly appreciated.
If your domain is example.com, create a A (and eventual AAAA) record for smtp.example.com and imap.example.com that points to your server. Use these domains to set up in Thunderbird.
You're probably missing the "set up in Thunderbird" part. See https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-i...-ispconfig-on-debian-10/#connect-email-client and you might read the whole tutorial for info, troubleshooting methods, and things to check.