I use linux Fedora Core4. Normally, rm command will delete file(s) and then give me back a space. Yesterday, I deleted file "/home/www/web3/log/error.log" which was 17GB of its size. After deleting, the available size on my server (viewed by using "du -kh" ) was still the same as before deletion. Could anyone help me to solve this, and how can I do?
Sorry, I have made a mistake posting question du -kh <-- this return the correct free space (current + deleted file). BUT df -h <--- this return the same amount of disk space before and after deletion. How can I really free my space using "rm" command?
That's right. "df -h" shows the wrong result. Anyway "du -kh" show the correct. But the problem is, ISPConfig also shows the result which same as "df -h". And when there is 100% usage, user cannot receive email or upload file. Upload via FTP program is OK.