useradd question

Discussion in 'Technical' started by thaetviking, Aug 23, 2006.

  1. thaetviking

    thaetviking New Member

    I have an Ubuntu server that is set up as a primary domain controller. A friend was helping me to set it up and he sent me info on adding a machine onto it but I forget how to read it. I have a machine called executive and a user named joe on the samba server called john using this info how would I translate it to work for me using these three commands:
    debian:~# useradd -g machines -d /dev/null -c "Intern 3 Comp" -s /bin/false intern3comp$
    debian:~# passwd -l intern3comp$
    debian:~# smbpasswd -a -m intern3comp
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. trav04

    trav04 New Member

    debian:~# useradd -g machines -d /dev/null -c "Intern 3 Comp" -s /bin/false
    useradd - Adds User
    -g Group (Primary)
    -d "Home Directory"
    -c "Comments"
    -s "shell"
    passwd -l intern3comp$
    -l "Login name"
    smbpasswd -a -m intern3comp
    unsure what the samba attributes mean. the -m might be the login name

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