Munin & snmp switch monitoring

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by sgrichkosey, Sep 25, 2006.

  1. sgrichkosey

    sgrichkosey New Member

    Hi all
    I have installed munin and configure it to monitor Dlink DES-3550 switch through snmp.
    I have used this doc as hand-book:

    But I have that in munin-update.log:
    Could not connect to switch( Connection refused - Attempting to use old configuration

    So, mu munin.conf:

    dbdir /var/lib/munin
    htmldir /var/www/html/munin
    logdir /var/log/munin
    rundir /var/run/munin

    tmpldir /etc/munin/templates


    [email protected]
    [email protected]


    use_node_name yes

    use_node_name yes

    and my munin-node.conf:


    log_level 4
    log_file /var/log/munin/munin-node.log
    port 4949
    pid_file /var/run/munin/
    background 1
    setseid 1

    host *
    user root
    group root
    setsid yes

    ignore_file ~$
    ignore_file \.bak$
    ignore_file %$
    ignore_file \.dpkg-(tmp|new|old|dist)$
    ignore_file \.rpm(save|new)$

    allow ^127\.0\.0\.1$
    allow ^10\.90\.90\.92$
    allow ^10\.90\.90\.65$


    please, help me, I don't know what can I do to fix it.
    please, feel free asking any questions

    P.S. may be something wrong on switch side? (snmp enabled, snmpwalk worked)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It might be a problem with your router's firewall.
  3. sgrichkosey

    sgrichkosey New Member

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