
Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by tal56, Aug 17, 2021.

  1. tal56

    tal56 Member

    Is anyone using the ##subroot snippet feature? I just used it for the first time, but am not sure what to do with the /stats folder. The /error folder is fine, I just move it into my new subroot, but not sure how to still use stats when using subroot. Can I change the location where the stats are written? I tried using a "return" or "alias" Nginx snippet, but it won't work because it's forbidden above the document root. Thanks for any suggestions.
  2. tal56

    tal56 Member

    So eventually found this link and the suggestion worked for me, so posted in case anyone else needs it. Surprised my google searches didn't pick this up earlier. It's not a permanent fix, but looks like something better is already in suggested features.

    ahrasis likes this.

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