
Discussion in 'General' started by atoulis, Sep 28, 2006.

  1. atoulis

    atoulis New Member

    mysql.allow_persistent = off in php.ini but I want to set it "on" only for specific sites. Does anyone know how this can be done through Apache Directives? I tried the following without success. The local value always remains off.

    php_admin_value mysql.allow_persistent = on
    php_admin_value allow_persistent = on

    Thanks very much.
  2. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Try this:

    php_admin_value mysql.allow_persistent On
    That should work. If not, then you need to check whether allow overwrite for this site is activated. (I normally check that by putting in a .htaccess that pops up a user/pwd box).
  3. atoulis

    atoulis New Member

    I tried the above but still no success. Other overrides such upload_max_filesize in Apache Directives are working fine. Its just the mysql.allow_persistent value that doesn't seem to work. Thanks.
  4. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Strange, I think that should work... dunno what's wrong there...
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    php_admin_flag mysql.allow_persistent = on
    php_admin_flag allow_persistent = on
  6. atoulis

    atoulis New Member

    I tried the two lines of code you suggested but received "# NOT SUPPORTED!" messages beside all Apache directives. I tried each line of code seperately and still got the same messages.
  7. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    Well, you could enable this in the php.ini if everything else fails :(
  8. atoulis

    atoulis New Member

    Thanks. I decided to set mysql.allow_persistent = off in php.ini. Setting it to 'on' might allow some sites to use too many connection resources. Not good in a shared environment.

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