Hello, We use Matomo instead of Webalizer and Awstats which are very poor and not really maintained anymore. "awstats" seems to be the default value in the database and cause errors like : WARNING - No awstats base config found. Either awstats.conf or awstats.model.conf must exist in /etc/awstats. We run hundreds of websites and we create new websites each week so it would be nice not to have to unselect awstats manually for each website. Is there a simple fix for that ? Do you think it's a good idea to execute the following SQL queries ? UPDATE web_domain SET stats_type = NULL; ALTER TABLE web_domain ALTER stats_type SET DEFAULT NULL; Or is there a better/cleaner fix ? Thank you for your help Mathieu.
Hello Till, Thank you for your quick answer I've executed the following SQL query : ALTER TABLE web_domain ALTER stats_type SET DEFAULT ''; For the existing websites we'll update them manually. Thank you very much for ISPConfig and for your precious help ! Mathieu.