counting errors in faktura

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by JerryJones, Oct 1, 2006.

  1. JerryJones

    JerryJones New Member

    Hi !

    :mad: I dont know if anybody uses the built in faktura invoice system of the ispconfig, if yes perhaps he can help me fix my 20percent problem in austria.

    try to make an article like webhost, say it costs 580.-- euros incl per one year and say it includes 20 % tax.
    its unbelievable how different it was from a correct counted bill by me.

    pls help was needed. i have tried to post in the developer section, but i cannot :-(

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What exactly is the problem?
  3. JerryJones

    JerryJones New Member

    Invoice has wrong tax with 20 percent tax in Austria

    Firma: SSDD Internet Servcices
    Vorname: SDDD
    Name: dddxx
    PLZ: 100
    Ort: Wien
    Land: Österreich
    Datum: 02.10.2006
    Rechnung Nr. 109

    Anzahl Art. Nr. Artikel Preis Gesamt
    1 wp0010 Web Paket Sonder www( 580.00 EURO 580.00 EURO
    Sondervereinbarung www- SDddd inkl 6xdomain 30GB Webspace Traffic flat - fair use


    Web gesamt: 580.00 EURO


    enthaltene Mehrwertsteuer: 92.80 EURO
    Gesamtbetrag: 580.00 EURO


    the rght tax before is 96,66 Euro this is the problem thx for help
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    We will check that.

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