Certbot aliasdomain without www

Discussion in 'General' started by dharman, Feb 25, 2022.

  1. dharman

    dharman New Member

    I've added an addiditional domain as aliasdomain and I wish to include it in certbot generated certiicate. All was ok but a single aliasdomain www is not been generatd, only the main one.
    A detailed example explaining what happened:
    Website: domain1.tld + www
    Aliasdomain: domain2.tld + www
    Aliasdomain: domain3.tld + www
    The desired certificated should include:
    domain1.tld, www.domain1.tld, domain2.tld, www.domain2.tld, domain3.tld, www.domain3.tld
    but the resulting cert is:
    domain1.tld, www.domain1.tld, domain2.tld, www.domain2.tld, domain3.tld, www.domain3.tld
    So, without the last (striked) one.

    Thank you folks!
  2. dharman

    dharman New Member

    Sorry, but I've understand the problem: it was my mistake. There was an additional IPV6 record into DNS zone pointing to a wrong IP.
    It was my fault!

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