Hi again. Another problem I had with the migration of my old server to a new one is with Let's Encrypt certificates. I tried issuing certificates in two sites in the new ispconfig installation (using acme). In the first one the certificate got issued and is being used with no problems (click and shoot). But, in the second one the certificates get issued but they don't get used - the SSL and Let's Encrypt SSL tickboxes get unticked by themselves. I can see in the LE logs (in Monitor > LE log) that they get issued correctly, I can see they are present in /etc/letsencrypt/live/wiki.mysite.com/ and symlinked in the correct /var/www/clients/client1/web2/ssl/ directory, but they don't get used! I thoroughly read the Let's Encrypt FAQ, but I think my problem is somewhat different, meaning that the certificates get issued and stored locally but they don't get used. Any ideas about that? TIA, tsapi
You shouldn't even have a /etc/letsencrypt/ directory if you are using acme.sh; is that what you meant? Or just that letsencrypt uses the acme protocol?
Exactly that's the problem - just realised that.. In the old server I was using certbot - in the new one I am using acme. In the first site, where I had no problems, I was not using SSL in the old installation. I have just deleted the symlinks to /etc/letsencrypt certificates (the directory is not even there in the new installation of course!) from the ssl folder of that site and am repeating the procedure with LE. I will let you know about the result. Silly me !!!
Yeap, that did the trick. I deleted from the ssl folder of that site the symlinks to the certificates of the old ispconfig installation, repeated the procedure for LE for that site and everything worked like a charm. Sorry guys!