I set up an ISPConfig 3.2 multi server using the automated insaller, following and mixing up the instructions of these guides (https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial/ispconfig-multiserver-setup-debian-ubuntu/, https://www.howtoforge.com/tutorial...abase-cluster-on-debian-8.4-with-ispconfig-3/). I split up the services a bit different, running web, database, nameserver, webmail and ftp on one server that is mirrored to a second server, and mail on a different server that is also mirrored. Overall the services are running well and work as they should. Now my problem is that on the mirrored web server the php-fcgi-starter scripts aren't identical to the ones on the primary server. Which means that websites using php through fcgi work on the primary but not on the secondary (mirror) server. I have tried to resync all services on all servers which didn't change anything. Now I'm kind of stumped on why that is and how I could debug it. I'm running Debian 11 with PHP 7.4 as default.
How shall we be able to help you if you don't even mention what the difference is? maybe you just forgot to enable the 'Connect userid to web ID' option under System > Server config > web as required for any mirrored web server?
I had forgotten that. What difference does it make? The primary server has the control panel and webmail installed, both servers have different mylsql server ids for the master/master replication, and of course different host names and ips. Aside from that they should be virtually identical.
The difference is if sites work or don't work on the mirrored server, without that settings, paths of sites and the users that run PHP on these sites might differ. But you still do not describe what the difference in php-fcgi starter scripts is.
Apologies. On the primary server the PHPRC variable is set to the correct path containing the php.ini, on the secondary server in some instances it's set to just the root directory "/" Everything else is identical.
I pinpointed the problem. Additional PHP version configurtation seems to be missing for the secondary server. (The only php-fcgi setting working on both servers is the default configuration.) But since it's a mirror of the primary server I can't add that manually.