Symlink not working

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Dennis_sp, Jun 28, 2022.

  1. Dennis_sp

    Dennis_sp Member

    We have a phonesystem that uses an ISPConfig FTP account to place recordings inside an ISPConfig website directory. That directory is a linux symlink to another server where the recordings should be stored. The FTP process works fine but when you try to access the recording the webserver says:

    Symbolic link not allowed or link target not accessible: /var/www/***FQDN***/web/client/recordings

    So i went in the website Options > Apache directives field and inserted:

    <Directory /var/www/***FQDN***/web/client/recordings/>
    Options -Indexes
    Options +FollowSymlinks

    But it's not working. I'm guessing i have used the wrong directory path or wrong options or formatting. Can anyone help?
  2. ahrasis

    ahrasis Well-Known Member HowtoForge Supporter

    Did you check its permission / ownership (the directory you created for that and its files)?
  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Try using the real path and not the symlinked path in your config snippet.
  4. Dennis_sp

    Dennis_sp Member

    I had set the owner of the recordings directory the same as the client and web for that site:

    Inside the recordings directory the permissions are for user 1001 because the symlink goes to an external mount:


    I did also change the directory path in the code snippet to this but it didn't help:

    <Directory /var/www/clients/client6/web74/web/client/recordings/>
         Options Indexes MultiViews FollowSymlinks
         AllowOverride None
         Order allow,deny
         Allow from all
         <files *.mp3>
              Forcetype application/forcedownload
         php_admin_value engine Off
  5. Dennis_sp

    Dennis_sp Member

    Anyone who can help?
  6. Dennis_sp

    Dennis_sp Member

    I contacted ISPConfig support and the solution was to create new mount point in fstab.
    Th0m likes this.

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